Thursday 20 January 2022

Remotivate with PWR PT - Online Coaching

If you are intending to get fit in 2022 and just can't get yourself going, Remotivate package from PWR Personal Training could be the perfect solution.
If you are a member of a gym or if you have a piece of cardio training equipment somewhere in the house, staring at you as you skip past to the home office, you will find Remotivate an ideal and cheap intervention to get you started and keep you on track for big changes to your shape and health.
Paul Richardson is an expert in transforming low motivation into healthy habits, through a process of keen listening to your unique story, through tried and tested methods from a lifetime of sport and fitness, and the last 20 years of coaching people on a one to one.
In the current climate in the UK, the NHS is struggling to manage its workload, which means it falls upon us all to do our best to keep ourselves in peak health and avoid the doctor.
To make a start call Paul and he'll listen to your story.

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