Here in (north west) England, the frozen winter period has forced many of us into virtual hibernation for a month or two. There's no doubt it has been a difficult winter time, and with the banks continuing to rip us all off, financial insecurity is on everyone's mind. This means that fitness and personal health can take a backward step at any moment, depending on the latest turn up.

With the first shoots of daffodils and the crocus peaks through the turf, comes a fresh optimism, and a daring glimpse of spring. There is still a chill in the air, but the sun is out for longer, and we can sense the end of the coldest winter has come to an end.
Now is the perfect time to hire a personal trainer from PWR Personal Training. We will discuss your goals, discuss your barriers and your concerns. We will also identify your strengths, and through those, we will set about designing a programme that fits into your lif
estyle, and makes improvements to all aspects of your health.
We'll set a time frame around which to work, once again fitting into your schedule, and we'll make a start with some specific exercise training to suit you.
We'll take it easy at the start, and when you're ready, we'll show you how to improve and progress.
Like Natalie, who started in early January 2011, and now, 5 weeks in, has already lost 2.5 inches off her waist and the same 2.5 inches off her hips measurement.
Natalie is now going to the gym 3 times a week, and has improved from a 1 m
inute breathless jog to jogging a continuous 2 miles.
If you want to kick start your fitness, follow this simple plan
1. Decide what SUCCESS means to you
2. Call, text or email Paul here and agree on a plan
3. Stick to the plan with the support of your personal trainer
4. Count the days down to your SUCCESS
You will wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Visit us at PWR