Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Karen - transformation

Karen joined our regular Monday evening Kettlebell Workout Class - held weekly at Vernons Sports Club in Penwortham - on the recommendation of her friend and class regular, Angela. Karen has been through tough times with cancer and sepsis, which made her very poorly. Karen was, understandably, very cautious when she started, and struggled with balance and movement. Paul kept a close eye on Karen throughout the class, with the help of classmate, Angela, who paired up with Karen to help and guide her through what must have been a large stride out of Karen's comfort zone.

This is what its all about in our kettlebell class. Its about mutual encouragement and support. There is no competition, just each person working towards their own improvements with the support and vibration of the other members of the class. Anyone is welcome to join in, and will soon feel part of the group.

From that tentative start in June, here's what Karen had to say, a few months later, in September.
"Thank you, Paul, the weekly kettlebell class is making me feel fitter and giving me confidence. That's the main thing and I thank you again for that. I haven't been able to do much for several years - due to illness and I was struggling even to walk just 12 months ago.
I have just checked and since my first class in June I have shed 12.25kg or 2 stones in weight. Your class has given me the boost of confidence I needed and thank you again."
I think every member of the class deserves a huge congratulations on helping Karen to settle in from a position of vulnerability to confidence. Well done all.

Rico's Kettlebell Workout Class
Mondays 6-7pm
Vernon Carus Sports Club, Factory Lane, Penwortham, Preston.