Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Wow! 2 half marathons completed...

Well done to my PT clients, Duncan and Caroline, on completing the Freckleton 13 mile event on 16th June, to add to their Chester 13 miler on 12th May. A personal best for Caroline and just a few seconds outside his for Duncan. Both have become members of Blackburn Road Runners club, as part of their healthy lifestyles, and are looking forward to the next challenging event (rumour has it as a race to the top of Tanzania's volcano, Mt. Kilimanjaro).
My goal as personal trainer is all about empowering people to take initiative with their own healthy lifestyles.
Paul Richardson, PWR PT 
Training Packages for one, two or small groups of people. 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Summer progress for Preston clients enjoying their activities

Here in central Lancashire, my PT clients are really cranking up the tempo as the English summer warms up (slightly!). Each person has their own unique targets and their own barriers to overcome. In the case of one gentleman, we're closely studying the way his prescribed medications are affecting his progress. We've already persuaded the doc' to reduce the dosage of medication, to reduce "side" effects, and we are starting to make inroads, having already lost 14lb weight.
One couple is closing in on their wedding date. With dresses and suits on order, and with the big day fast approaching, the countdown has begun. Aside from a penchant for good food and the occasional blow out, their regime is heading in the right direction through one-to-two coached circuits at home, and through their joining their local running club, culminating in them completing 2 half-marathons in the last 5 weeks.
A third client has recovered from a double whammy of lung illness and lower leg injury to restart his jogging programme. He has progressed to running a 10km run, 3 times a week, without any recurrence of injury. He is starting to see weight loss results, thanks to an intelligent eating plan designed to refill without overloading. He also feels like he's back to his best level of fitness.
Enjoying Exercise
The key to preserving long term commitment to exercise is enjoyment. While we all fancy losing a little bit of tummy fat (or, personally, the spare bit under my chin, among other areas), one's motivation is boosted when the workouts are enjoyed. As part of your experience on my personal training course, we will find a style of training that maximises efficacy and enjoyment for you, by maximising the enjoyment factor of workouts, and thus maintain high levels of motivation.
Paul Richardson, Personal Trainer, on Twitter

Massive savings with PT Courses for small groups and pairs

Cut the price of your fitness results. Personal Training for you and your small group is cost effective and productive for your health and fitness.
Paul from PWR Personal Training visits you and your partner, friend, or group of like minded fitness seekers, to coach you to your health and body shape targets.

When do you want to start changing your body? 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

6 weeks to summer body shape

Our highly successful 6 week body fitness package, from PWR Personal Training. £295.
You will need

  • Will power
  • Determination
  • Commitment

and the results will be all yours.
PWR PT. Professional Personal Trainer in Preston, Lancashire since 2001.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Hot in England? Really? Get a big drink .....of Water!

Hard as it is to believe, summer has arrived in England. Hat and scarf have been replaced with mismatching T-shirts and shorts, as the natives struggle to come to terms with the big yellow ball in the sky.
Dangers of Heat and being prepared
Most of the year, when exercising, the cold weather provides an instant cooling system. The aim is not to cool down too fast and suffer hypothermia - when the body gets dangerously too cold.
Within only a few days the goal has changed to one of avoiding overheating - hyperthermia - which can be dangerous very quickly.
Water is the key. In hot weather, your body sweats. This releases a great deal more water and salts (minerals) out of the body. If this is not replaced, the body will over heat, and with it comes poor performance, and health risk.
Water is the key, by and large. Drinking water regularly through the day before a workout, keep drinking water during, and refill your body, after a workout. This ensures optimal muscle function - including transport of oxygen and removal of lactic acid and waste minerals from the muscles - AND it allows the body to continue cooling itself with sweat. Keeping cool relies on water, and plenty of it.
Keep a drink handy. Just thought I'd mention it.