Thursday, 22 November 2018

Free mini-consultation for new clients

How to start your path to your own optimum health and shape

The first step to make your dream goal a reality
Step One:             
Book your free mini-consultation
Completely free and at your convenience, you can book a 20-minute mini-consultation with Paul.
This will allow you to describe the goal you seek and to discuss the barriers that you need to overcome. You can book the mini-consultation at a time and a place to suit you, even arrange it over the phone.

Step Two:         
Have a clear idea of your health or body goal
Call or text Paul on 07855 121232 or email
Paul will listen to you describe your goals and arrange a convenient meeting.

Step Three:
Set up a training plan with Paul and begin the countdown to your goal.


To our Main Website

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Adverts Abs

Advertisement Abdominals... Commercial Break Cut....Messages Muscle!

No need to move from the couch. Leave the TV on. Keep watching and 

Get into great shape!

Statistically speaking the average person spends 2 hours watching TV per day. On average there are commercial breaks every 10 minutes, each lasting 2 minutes. That adds up to 24 minutes of meaningless television time that could be put to good use.

Perform one set of exercise, to maximum effort, every time there is an advert break, and you will accumulate, on average, 24 minutes of vigorous physical exercise every day. That amounts to 168 minutes of exercise per week, which is more than enough to establish toned muscles, the flat stomach and the slender thighs you have always desired.

Living Room Lunge-Fest!

The list of exercises you can do in your living room is exhaustive. Here are a just few favourites that target the body parts that people would most like to tone up and trim down.

You don't need any equipment or timing devices. As soon as the advertisements begin, jump into action and kick on until your preferred show restarts. Simply return to back to your pizza, your cuppa, your milky bar buttons, or your family sized Galaxy slab, confident in the knowledge that you are burning all those calories away and activating muscle toning recovery.

Gogglebox Gains!

Dip - for the triceps,shoulders & chest
Dip - perform as many as you can in the advert break 

Record your performance over the course of a week. The more sets the better the results:
For example:
Attempt                  1     2      3      4      5      6
Reps completed     23   26    31

Crunch - core & hips
Press Up - arms chest & core
Alternate leg lunge - thighs & bum
These are just a few to get you started. Perhaps stick to two or three exercises each day, and change them every day on a rotation basis. Its up to you! Here's to you getting into great shape. I look forward to seeing your videos of you in action, performing your Advert Abs.

Practical health and fitness innovations brought to you by
Paul Richardson of
Home visits personal training in central Lancashire, UK

Monday, 19 November 2018

Marathon training pointers

Written for a runner who can run 10km and has 6 months before the date of the marathon event

Complete a ten minute stretch after every run
Stretch - calf, hamstring, quads, glutes

The longer distances you run, over the weeks, the more you develop the “bounce” you create in the calves and legs. This saves muscle energy and improves your stamina for the long distances

Muscle endurance
With longer runs, you stimulate the muscles to ue energy and oxygen more efficiently. Your legs get used to the workload you put them through, over time. Gradually increasing the distance and time of runs, over the weeks, will see this improvement continue. This process takes months to develop, but you are on track if you are already up to 10 miles today (14/11/18).

During short runs of 3-5 miles, you can consider trying to improve your running speed. These short, “speed” runs, get your legs used to running a bit quicker. When it comes to the long runs, this will shorten the time it takes you to reach the end!
Speed runs are riskier and more stressful on the legs and heart, so short bursts of 30 seconds (“intervals”) of fast running, built into a steady run, are advised.

Repetition and Overload and Injury management
After a run, the body needs a period of time to heal and adapt. The brain and nervous system learns movement and skills very fast; within minutes. However, the muscles, organs and bones need a few nights to recover. If you know this, then you can plan your runs to allow for these recovery intervals.
Recovery of the tissues is directly related to the intensity of the run. For example, if you run 10 miles on Sunday, the longest distance to date, you will require a bit longer to recover. This could be muscular, joints, energy levels and just feeling tired in the days after.

If you manage the intensity of runs, so that your standard run is at a comfortable pace and not too long that you’re over-tired for days. So a comfortable 60-90 minute run should become a standard run you can do, say, every other day. For every 3 or 4 of these comfortable runs, you should inject a longer distance/time run, and plan a few days’ rest afterward.

This will culminate in running a 13 mile run (160 mins), perhaps one every 10 days, by December, with 3 or 4 short (60-90 minutes) runs in between.

For example, if you go out for a run on a Sunday morning at 7am, you’ll be back for breakfast before 10am.

Within reason, injuries need to be treated with respect. If you have a niggle that feels worse that normal, probably best to not run on it and do some cycling or swimming. Otherwise, a niggle can turn to a sting, and it's a downward spiral from there! Rest is far better training!!!

Other Exercises
Keep other skills and muscle groups in use via the following:
Gym upper body strength resistance training: Zumba
Cycling ; Swimming

Sleep is crucial to recovery
Perhaps consider training yourself to a structured bedtime procedure, that sees you tucked up an hour or so earlier. Perhaps read books instead of watching TV (and drop off quicker!)

The runner’s body needs to be saturated with water, energy (starchy carbs), proteins, vitamins and minerals. This is required in all meals, and careful planning is important before and after a run. The muscles and liver store a huge amount of glycogen, which is released steadily as you run. After 60 minutes+ of running, these stores are depleted and they will need replacing, before improvements can take place.

You will have some idea of what suits you best. Some prefer running on an empty stomach. Some need a good feed before hand.
The body is drained of water glycogen, vitamins and minerals after a run.
During run
This is only an issue for runs beyond 60 minutes, for which only a drink is required.
Lots is made of these new energy gels that are isotonic re-fueling foods during a run. As you point out, some people find they upset their tummies when running. I imagine, from experience, that eating during a run is going to activate the stomach and disrupt the body somewhat. Ideally, some mild intake of sugary, mildly salty water, would assist and complement the running effort. Equally, on inspection of these “gels” nutritional content, there is little difference from that of a date or a fig. It depends what you want to carry.
During training runs, it might be worth trying a few of these things at the 45-60 minute mark, assuming you’re running for another hour.
Generally, water is the most important. Regular, small drinks will maintain hydration. Some people might prepare a drink with a very weak cordial and a pinch of salt. You will have plenty of runs to try these out in the months ahead!

Normal meals
Combine proteins with plants. That’s meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans and peas, combined with salads, roots, beets. For extra energy add your starchy carbs, wholemeal where possible, pasta, rice, breads, potatoes etc.

Snacks should include a protein (nuts, peas, seeds) with fruit or carrot sticks etc.


Drink 6-8 pints of water a day, to literally saturate your body with water, and get your system used to being well hydrated. At first 6-8 pints water per day will make you need the loo a lot. But after a few days the body will get used to this new level of intake, and will ensure you are well hydrated for your run.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Karen - transformation

Karen joined our regular Monday evening Kettlebell Workout Class - held weekly at Vernons Sports Club in Penwortham - on the recommendation of her friend and class regular, Angela. Karen has been through tough times with cancer and sepsis, which made her very poorly. Karen was, understandably, very cautious when she started, and struggled with balance and movement. Paul kept a close eye on Karen throughout the class, with the help of classmate, Angela, who paired up with Karen to help and guide her through what must have been a large stride out of Karen's comfort zone.

This is what its all about in our kettlebell class. Its about mutual encouragement and support. There is no competition, just each person working towards their own improvements with the support and vibration of the other members of the class. Anyone is welcome to join in, and will soon feel part of the group.

From that tentative start in June, here's what Karen had to say, a few months later, in September.
"Thank you, Paul, the weekly kettlebell class is making me feel fitter and giving me confidence. That's the main thing and I thank you again for that. I haven't been able to do much for several years - due to illness and I was struggling even to walk just 12 months ago.
I have just checked and since my first class in June I have shed 12.25kg or 2 stones in weight. Your class has given me the boost of confidence I needed and thank you again."
I think every member of the class deserves a huge congratulations on helping Karen to settle in from a position of vulnerability to confidence. Well done all.

Rico's Kettlebell Workout Class
Mondays 6-7pm
Vernon Carus Sports Club, Factory Lane, Penwortham, Preston.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Optimum Health - from bad to good habits

Managing Optimum Wellness
Energy - Mental focus - Performance - Recovery - Fitness - Immune Health

Normal remedies cause more problems
The hidden habits that "normal" life promotes are often devices for masking the stresses of life. Instant pain killers, instant mood alteration and instant energy lead us to a demand for the instant relief is the normal choice in the busy and stressful world we live in.
Unfortunately, the body and mind is being damaged! Gradually, the body responds to these instant fixes, not by reducing the demand but increasing demand for these foods, drinks and tablets.
I'm happy.
When we feel stress we mask it rather than dealing with it or curing it. Bad news or conflict creates a rush of adrenalin which requires a burst of exercise not a glass of wine. When we get a headache, we don't have time to sleep it off, yet we take a tablet. When we're hungry on the road, we can't prepare a salad whilst at the wheel, but a doughnut is cheap and handy, and the chippy is open over there.
We're not dealing with the pain or stress, we're just masking it, usually with a tablet, a caffeine hit, a sugar snack or an alcoholic beverage.

How the body eventually responds to these fixes.
Hypertension, excess fatigue, cholesterol, anxiety, insomnia, impotence, heart disease and obesity are all problems than can occur quicker as a result of masking our body's natural alarm bells for too long.

"Everyone does it so its fine."
The problem is that we are stuck on the rails because these are ground in habits. Business is good, life is successful, the money needs to be made, so these devices all help.
But I'm out of breath when I climb a flight of stairs. I can't sleep at night, and the doctor wants to put me on betablockers to stop me dying suddenly of a stroke or a heart attack...

Turning the tide - getting off the rails
Acccepting that these quick fixes are taking you to poor health is the first act. Learning that you are not curing yourself but actually making matters worse is essential. Taking control of your health from top to bottom isn't too difficult. It is well and truly in your hands.

Some key habits to adopt
~ Feed the immune system
Hot and cold vegetables, fresh fruit, white meats, fish, nuts and seeds provide:
Minerals, Vitamins, Essential fatty acids, amino acids
~ keep the kidneys happy
Drink 6 pints water per day - including first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
~ Reduce Toxins and Invaders
Reduce alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, excess salt, added fat
~ Regular exercise
Mostly gentle and steady : Some progressive and challenging : Gradually increase the intensity and performance over weeks
~ Boost liver function
More cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, milk thistle extract tablets : Herbal teas etc.
Prioritise your health.

If you want guidance on these subjects, contact Paul at

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Summer Slim - Part 1 - Key Nutrients

Key Food Groups
click to talk directly to trainer Paul
Proteins : Vitamins : Minerals : Fatty Acids

Eat protein rich foods : Meat, fish, eggs or nuts, pulses, beans and seeds: 
 - Ensure a full range of essential amino acids to ensure optimum health and energy

The basis of many of the body's chemical reactions. Vital for optimum repair, immune function, energy levels and connective tissues.

The body tissues are built from a range of minerals.Regular intake promotes strong bones, maintains blood vessel function, promotes dental health, improves brain function, ensures blood circulation, and much more.
Eat plants and meats, seeds and pulses.

Fatty Acids
The two primary EFAs are known as linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). These EFAs are necessary for the following processes:
  • Formation of healthy cell membranes
  • Proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system
  • Proper thyroid and adrenal activity
  • Hormone production
  • Regulation of blood pressure, liver function, immune and inflammatory responses
  • Regulation of blood clotting: Omega-6 FAs encourage blood clot formation, whereas Omega-3 oil reduces clotting. The ideal is to achieve a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 FAs
  • Crucial for the transport and breakdown of cholesterol
  • Support healthy skin and hair
Sources of Omega 3’s include flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, soybean and its products such as tofu and tempeh. Walnuts, and dark green veggies, such as kale, collards, chard, parsley, and cereal grasses (wheat & barley grasses), are also good sources. This is because all green (chlorophyll-rich) foods contain Omega-3 FA in their chloroplasts.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Rico's Recipes - Liver booster

Rico’s Liver health Espresso
  • ·         Small mug of almond or soya or coconut milk
  • ·         Quarter teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • ·         Quarter teaspoon turmeric powder
  • ·         Pinch of ginger powder
  • ·         Pinch of black pepper powder
  • ·         Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • ·         Small Honey to sweeten

Heat to nearly boiling; stir frequently; for 3-4 minutes
Serve and drink as per an espresso coffee : Just before bedtime!

Monday, 30 April 2018

A review from a client

Received Monday 30th April 2018
'I had experience of other personal trainers prior to meeting Paul. To be honest these experiences had left me pretty cold towards personal trainers.
What I found with Paul was a tailored personal service. It wasn't simply about working hard – it was an all-encompassing approach which addressed diet, exercise, sleep and lifestyle. We talked through each in a friendly and sensible way and agreed some goals to work towards.
I didn't really appreciate the impact that diet could have and how a sensible diet would make such an immediate impact when combined with the right types of exercise. Paul explained the right combinations of foods in a clear and coherent manner.

When I started with Paul I was 16 stone 4lbs. I had a couple of setbacks along the way – although Paul didn't lose his focus or drive, but simply encouraged me to go again. After an 8 week period my weight had dropped to 14 stone 12. I feel much healthier, stronger and fitter, my clothes fit me again and I am enjoying training. I would like to get down to 14 stone 4lbs - and feel very confident that I can achieve this.
Paul is about helping you achieve your goals by listening to you and designing a bespoke approach to get there. He works at your level, but is constantly trying to evolve your abilities and thought processes. He has a very relaxed and friendly style, whilst maintaining focus towards your targets.
I wholeheartedly endorse Paul's approachability, knowledge and methods. Losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks in a healthy and sensible way speaks for itself.'

Friday, 2 February 2018

February. Beach body for me, please.

February - A month when many English people sense the glimmer of the end of another freezing winter. Many, too, book their summer holidays, and with it, they start thinking about getting into some form of acceptable body-shape before their annual fortnight in shorts and swimwear. Who knows, in the summer, perhaps to look good at home for a few months in the English sun?
PWR Motivation
With a personal training pack from PWR Personal Training, of Hoghton, Lancashire, you will take control of the process, and ensure that you look your best and stay that way. No fad diets that leave you depressed at every meal time; plus muscle-toning, metabolism-boosting workouts.
If you desperately need a spark of motivation, it might be worth you choosing to call Paul and discuss a starter pack package for yourself. It might be all you need to get you on a healthy track for your immediate, short term health and also for a long and energetic life.
Paul, I am short of time and I am totally unfit?
This makes you a perfect candidate for our personal training approach.
With a bit of planning and organisation which Paul will help you with, the exercise required will take up no time at all from your day. We get things moving without taking up a major slice of your time and it won't leave you knackered for the rest of the day.

Add the smart diet choices and adjustments that we recommend (which also take no time), you can make all the difference and start shedding those inches where it matters.
What do you need? When by? Give Paul a call.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Cricket pre-season fitness circuit

Insert this circuit into every net session between now and the 2018 season.

Designed by Paul Richardson at