Sunday, 13 December 2009

Another Female Client Success Story - Dec 09

Jane M was using a wheelchair to get around at the beginning of October '09.
By 5th December she was completing three 7km runs per week, she had shed 12lb of bodyfat, and lost 3 inches off her waistline.
In this interview, Jane describes her PWR personal training experience between 25th October and December 12th 2009.

Wishing you continued progress, Jane. Well done.

To join Jane on the list of fitness successes
click here to visit
or email direct :

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Just like 4 weeks personal training for less than a month's gym membership

Boot Camp #2
New Year Fitness Boot Camp
WHERE: St.Augustine's Centre, ST. Austin's Place, Avenham, Preston
FORMAT: 2 Group workouts per week for a month : more details see poster below
WHEN: Mondays and Wednesdays in JANUARY : 530-630pm

COST: £40 per person
(click picture to enlarge)

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

January Boot Camps

Just like 4 weeks personal training for less than a month's gym membership

Boot Camp #1
Thighs, Hips and Belly New Year Boot Camp
WHERE: St.Augustine's Centre, ST. Austin's Place, Avenham, Preston
FORMAT: 2 Group workouts per week for a month : more details see poster below
WHEN: Mondays and Thursdays in JANUARY : 430-530pm

COST: £40 per person
(click picture to enlarge)

Monday, 7 December 2009

Another Client Achieves Superb Fat Loss

Check out this interview with one of our most dedicated clients Janet from Fulwood.
Janet transformed her regular exercise routine into a powerful, fat busting, fitness boosting routine of high quality food and drink to complement her ever improving fitness levels.

Well done Janet. I'm absolutely delighted with your results far.....

visit to start your fitness journey.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Latest Client news : 10lb weight loss and 4 inches off waist, in 35 days

More reasons to visit us at click hereSee full size image
Continued congratulations go to JM from Penwortham, Lancashire

In late October 2009, Miss JM, a very busy 25 year old training solicitor, had an operation on bones in both her feet, which left her lame for several weeks. She used to keep fit and play sport regularly, and wanted to return to those activities as quickly as possible as well as trim down.She also has a very busy work and social schedule, and had a largely random diet.

5 weeks into a fitness and health programme with PWR Personal Training, JM has made some serious progress.
  • from being unable to walk, to jogging non-stop for 40 minutes
  • Waistline REDUCED by 9cm or 3 1/2 inches
  • Hips reduced by 5cm or 1 1/2 inches
  • Weight loss of 10lb or 4.5kg
That's the equivalent weight loss of this much lard, give or take half a pack.

JM's positive results have been down to disciplined implementation of sound dietary advice, a never say die approach to workouts, and taking charge during social activities to control intake of food and drink without missing out on events.
Well done JM. Keep it up.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Gym fees commitment or boot camp 30 day blast

Susan, from London asks:

Gym membership or one month boot camp?

I can have a gym membership for £34 a month (for one year) through work, or alternatively I can join a local park boot camp, for £38 but I can drop out at any time. What do you think?!

Thank you for your question Susan. Check out my response by clicking the vid below.

good luck Susan.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

How tough is effective exercise?


There is still plenty of time to get in some killer workouts before you tuck into the festive treats. Keep yourself in good shape as deep into December as possible and you won't find it as tough getting started again in the new year.
Also, the outside temperature at this time of year provides perfect conditions for jogging. There is lots of fresh air which feels great to breath in, and a fresh breeze is effective in cooling you down as you run. Be sure to get some reflective clothing, however, as its dark out there.

Additional. This Youtube website shows you how hard you should be working, and how tired you should feel if you want real results.

Its well worth a look. Are you workouts as tough as this?

Monday, 2 November 2009

Late October Female Fitness Success

I'd like to highlight the latest achievements of 3 of our lady clients:

6 pounds and 4 inches lost in 7 days!
1. Well done to Miss JM who has lost 6 lb in her first week, plus inches off her waist, and bum. An achievement based on a controlled diet and increased core and arm strength exercises, plus an hour's swim, all in her own time. An extra special mention for JM because she currently has injuries to both feet and can hardly walk!

Weight and inches lost
2. Also to JW who has lost 4lb in 28 days (towards her target loss of 10lb) plus inches off waist and bum. Through steady eating and increased workout intensity at group cycling and strength training in her own time, JW has reported more energy and an absence of previously common headaches.

Dress size dropped
3. Also to Mrs. MD for improving her running performance by huge margins in recent weeks. MD has progressed from a best of 20 minutes jogging, up to 40 minutes non-stop. She has also reported that her dress size has dropped to the next one down. MD has a full time job, a husband and two children, and a farm.

Well done Ladies.

Learn to eat what's best for you; then eat it

Nowhere is thinking and doing so polarised as in the eating business. When it comes to food, we all find it hard to match what we know we should eat with what we actually put in our mouths and chew. While I am not an advocate of "fat clubs" in their many guises, I do recognise the key principles they adopt in pursuit of the goals of their members. That's fat reduction.
You do not see many prime athletes at fat clubs. However, prime athletes are very much in the same boat when it comes to their main aim. Bodyfat levels are key to performance at optimum, world record standard, as they are for the laymen. Whatever the motive behind the goal, losing bodyfat is universally desired by the range of people involved.
The key is discipline and a willingness to change.
Change is the hardest thing to do, because it usually meets with all sorts of resistance from the lifestyle you are moving away from. Lifestyle is bound by hidden and subconscious conditions to which we are attached. Social, moral, religious, traditional, learned behaviour that we can't easily stop.
Other behaviour may relate to obligations such as family, work, social, or other activities involving other people. These engagements can start to trap us. No matter how much we want to be slimmer, our behaviour is not ruled and governed by the needs of our waistlines.
Unfortunately, if you want the results badly enough, you must push the priority of the waistline ahead of all others. That includes work, family and society. The first and last person in your life is yourself, and you get one body, yours. So unless someone else is going to run your 40 minute cardio session tomorrow morning, then someone else can drink that large vodka and coke themselves.
Unless she wants to come shopping with you and pay for the next size up, then they can eat the cheese and onion pasty herself this lunchtime. The good thing fat clubs do is change behaviour in favour of the fat burning system of the human body. It changes people, through education, group motivation and other methods.
In that sense, while the means are questionable, the end result is a change of mind in the person. And, until that person changes their mind, through education, adopting and activating appropriate eating, nothing will happen. Ask anyone, from obese to athlete, about losing bodyfat, and they will tell you that it isn't easy. It requires a break from "normal" behaviour. Unfortunately, as the heart disease statistics prove, "normal" behaviour in the western world is hugely unhealthy for a growing population.

Choose your own path, put your trainers on, and walk it. Anyone who questions it is not, ultimately, FOR you.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009


Why don't you try a 5k, 10k, or a half marathon in the next few

Need more persuasion, check this out

Just put on your trainers and go for a jog.....

.....why are you still reading this?

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Amsterdam Half Marathon

Having missed out on getting a place in the Great North Run half marathon in September, I entered the Amsterdam half instead. Not a difficult task, said most people who consider a 13 mile run of no consequence to a fitness trainer.
In reality, unless you are a natural runner, with endurance built in, and a taste for running endless distances for pleasure, distance running is something that needs careful training, preferably over a fair amount of time. And with the state my knees are in, I fit like a glove into that category.
I completed the marathon in 2 hours and 14 seconds. Considering the furthest I had ever run non stop was the 10 miles from Blackpool's north pier to Fleetwood in 2008, this was a decent challenge overcome.
My main concern had been the state of my knees. In particular, a condition known as runner's knee and some sore tendons at the front. symptoms of runner's-knee kick in after running for about half an hour, as the thighs and buttocks muscles tighten up, and start pulling the tendons around the knee tight. The result is pain on the outside of the joint, the sensation that your legs are twisting as you run, and the added feeling that your legs no longer want to do what your brain is telling them.
That is what happens when you endure beyond your normal range of ability. The relationship between brain and body disintegrates, and your mind is left somewhere in between, half in pain, half in determination to finish, and as, someone once said - you're mind starts writing cheques the body can't cash. It is this test of mind over flesh that gives people the sense of achievement at the end. Similar, I guess, to all sorts of daring activities people do involving a perceived or real threat to their lives, and overcoming it to jump out of a plane, to ski fast, to ice or roller skate, hand glide, ask for a bank loan etc.
As lactic acid builds up, the nerves and the muscles start to stutter and fail. In training, this is desirable, as it provokes a change and an improvement, over the weeks (without training, this occurs half way through your London Marathon, and you either quit or endure 2 hours of agony and futility as you walk the remainder of the course). As you run further, each time you train, your body responds by adapting, and giving you more endurance. The circulation deals with the lactic acid faster, and for longer. You gradually increase your stamina this way until you are near the target race distance. Most will train up to a small fraction below the target distance, as if aiming to run on fumes for the final 10% of the distance. In the 26 mile distance, some say that running beyond the 4 hour mark, or the 20 mile mark, is critically damaging to the tissues. To that end, they might train up to the 20 mile mark.
For smaller distances, as you feel yourself improving, you may set yourself a target time in which to complete it, and train not only on stamina, but on speed too. This involves other disciplines and intensities.
In my experience, I under-prepared for the race, training up to 8 miles, or 80 minutes. During the hours up to the 13 mile run, I was genuinely concerned about not finishing, and also for my health. After the run, apart from the general agony and lack of mobility in my legs, I felt elated and satisfied. 4 days on from the run, and I feel as if I could, if I really put my mind to it, do it in a quicker time. I feel inclined to attempt another 13 mile run soon, to test this.
The experience was a challenge overcome. It was not entirely pleasant, which made the completion of it all the more satisfying. A fine sense of achievement, and a very good night's sleep.

Monday, 21 September 2009


On Sunday 18th November, I will enter the Amsterdam half marathon.

I will be running the event in aid of charity, to be announced.

If anyone would like to sponsor me for this worthy cause, I would be delighted to hear from you.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Paul Richardson, from PWR Personal Training talks to Radio Lancashire's Tony Livesey Breakfast Show

BBC Lancashire

Click here, and fast forward to minute 46 of the podcast

Friday, 31 July 2009

Location Location Location

Where you train is completely up to you.
To that end, the essence of personal training lies in the convenience to our clients. I find that many of our clients get a great deal of value from the time and energy saved by having their trainer visit them at their home or at a location to suit, rather than the client wasting time from their busy schedules, and travel costs, by travelling to and from crowded fitness centres.

Effective exercise training is not constrained by location or equipment. Our trainers can create effective workouts as easily in a small living room as in a fully equipped gym. The fundamental part of genuine personal training is the unmatched convenience factor offered to the client.
Add in the certainty of results, and constant encouragement and teaching, and a personal training package is hard to match.

If you prefer to use a gym, or if you want to learn how to get the best out of a gym, PWR has a superb gym facility, based at the St.Augustine's Avenham Centre in Preston's city centre.
"START" is a very spacious, air conditioned, and fully equipped gym. Rates are very competitive and flexible memberships are available. The centre contains studios for classes, fully fitted changing rooms, and hosts the city's basketball team.
PWR's clients are welcome to sample the gym facilities for a free workout, and if you decide to take a membership, the costs can be absorbed into your personal training package.
I'm happy to boast that every single member of the gym who has hired a PWR personal trainer has seen significant success in their training. Among them, Chris, Zubair, Ann, Mark and Zak.
To conclude, personal training is all about convenience. If it suits you, you can take your workouts in our gym facilities, and join the others in their success.

To find out more, visit and submit an enquiry form

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Personal Trainers - REALITIES and MYTHs

  • How do I hire a personal trainer?
  • Are all personal trainers jungle gym vein-faced muscle bulging freaks?
A warm welcome (back) to our blog on all things to do with PWR World. Its green, its blue, and its round.
Anyone who considers hiring a personal trainer enters a unique and exclusive club. A unique membership of people with certain distinguishing characteristics. Largely, you have all seriously considered taking action. You have taken the decision to do something about your own health and fitness. Why is it unique? Because most people do not take responsibility for their own health and well-being. A vast majority of people take their health for granted, only stopping to consider where it all went wrong, after its too late.
Human nature? If self-destruction is part of human nature, then perhaps. But if thriving not just surviving is more your thing, then the human nature I'm talking about is about improvement, progression, and making intelligent choices now for the improvement of today and tomorrow.

The personal trainer is the catalyst that turns your ideas of what you want to be into a cogent, real and practical pathway to success. The personal trainer plots a route, through the different aspects of lifestyle, to provide balanced progress towards the goals you seek.
Your consultation will delve into your previous and current lifestyle habits. From those findings, the trainer can tweak the diet here, improve behaviour there, and introduce the exercises that will change your body onto a different vibrational plane.
A steady, careful approach at first, followed by small gear changes, towards something resembling the person you remember being, or beyond, to the person you imagine yourself to be.
Gradually, as you progress, you will start to adopt the things you have learned into your lifestyle. These new behaviours and choices will feel strange and alien at first, but soon start to feel obvious, logical and subconscious. They become habits. It is the aim of the personal trainer to introduce you to these changes, help you get used to them, and make them your lifestyle habits.
Dozens and more of our clients, long after completing a training package, continue to make amazing progress. Those who embrace what the trainers tell them and put them into practise, see outstanding results which they own and for which they, alone, are responsible.
Others prefer regular workouts with their trainer, in order to keep them on the right path, and ensuring that their workouts remain tough and progressive.
In the end, we all need a bit of help and encouragement, and with a personal trainer, you get it in spades.

See for yourself - book a free, no-obligation 20 minute mini-consultation at a time and place to suit you. Its your chance to meet one of our trainers and to open up about the goals you seek. Its your chance to open up your new future, now.

go to

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Holford - Recommended Reading

With books such as The Holford Low GL Diet, and a list of others, these books provide a thorough guide to eating the right foods for optimum health, lifestyle and energy levels.
The book is a guide to healthy eating which educates the reader about what is doing your body good, and what ISN'T.
For those who enjoy carbohydrate with everything they eat, prepare yourself for some unwelcome revelations about what it is doing to your health. Unless you are performing an extremely active job, it is likely that your calorie intake is more than double that required to survive. Inevitably, the result of excess carbohydrate and fat is stored fat under your skin.
The GI or GL theory is well known, and Holford is the best exponent of it on the shelf. He goes into a lot of detail which is convincing enough to persuade you to alter the contents of your trolley next time you buy the groceries.
Follow the Holford theory, and watch your energy levels rise, reduce your periods of daily fatigue, and reduce the weight and size of your stored bodyfat.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Touch Marketing

If you need a top of the range website, look no further than Touch Marketing and Design, of Blackburn, Lancashire.
They produce a very good website for me, and somehow translate my non-artistic ideas and requirements into shapes, words and pictures onto PWRs website at
Daniel and David are committed to high quality output. I wouldn't hesitate to contact them if that's what you seek.
Keep up the fine work, lads.

Summer 2009

Congratulations on all my clients so far this summer. If you thought running in sleet and a wind chill factor of minus 5 centigrade was bad, just ask any one of my clients what it feels like to run in 28 celsius heat!
Most were wise to take on increased levels of drinking water, but nevertheless found the June sun a real challenge to exercise in. Well done eve
In recent weeks I have seen clients reach varying targets, not all of them fitness based! Russell blitzed the Manchester 10k without any trouble. Swapna returned to the bodyshape she wanted despite a very busy schedule of work and motherhood, and one lady became pregnant. Nothing to do with my training methods, but clearly she had plenty of energy after her training programme with PWR.
It is sometimes all to easy to curse the heat, but a moment of reflection on the long winter months between these brief months of lengthy days of fairly warm and fairly dry weather !!! should remind us to enjoy every minute of it.
A chance to get out and enjoy exercising in the daylight and in decent conditions. Its less of a chore when the sun's shining, and the more we can do,
the more the benefits will be to our health and fitness.
I'll be starting my kettlebell class at St. Augustine's Fitness and Sports Centre in Avenham, Preston, in September, in addition to some exclusive small group fitness masterclasses within the fitness room at certain times to be arranged.
I also stock a range of top of the range and top value exercise nutrition products which genuinely expedite the achievement of physical improvements. Just ask Chris Hall, who has lost nearly 20lb in weight since having a small number of workouts in the winter, and who uses a Meal Replacement shake to ensure correct nutrition through the day, to boost energy and prevent snacking on fat and sugar.
Keep your eyes on this blog for regular updates on what's happening in the fitness world, and within the world of PWR Personal Training.

Happy Holidays to everyone.