Sunday, 8 December 2013

Decision time. Choosing, and taking, the healthy path

We all want to feel and look good - I am confident that this applies to most people. Some more than others, but we all look in the mirror and cast a judgement on how we look. Many choose to ignore or bury their intuition, but eventually - sooner or later, and for one reason or another - most will take a stand and decide to do something about a state of low energy, low motivation, a tired head and a flabby bum.
However, that decision is just the start and by no means the end! Fitness training and healthy eating competes with a host of other activities and temptations in the daily life we lead. We are constantly bombarded by advertisements of awful foods that are anything but good for us. If that isn't already enough to make us stumble in our quest for rude health, the "pressure" from the people we mix with, to eat and drink things that are anything but good for us, is bound to tip the balance against your otherwise best intentions.
One by one, at PWR Personal Training, we identify the layers of bad habits, and gradually peel them away, layer by layer. This involves changes in both behaviour, personal perspective and attitude. Where a person is stuck in a social circle that encourages over eating and drinking it can be very difficult to tear yourself away from such a social trap. Without ruining that social circle, we educate and moderate your behaviour so that you retain all the good social elements, without others noticing a change in your behaviour. Indeed, others will eventually follow your example.
Equally, intrinsic addiction to sugary and fatty foods is often one addiction that is not recognised as much, at least, as caffeine and alcohol. Sugar, yeast, fat, salt all appeal greatly to both taste buds and brain chemistry. Brain activity is seriously disrupted by these nutrients, and often our brains can "take over" with an almost insatiable compulsion to feed a craving or offset what we perceive as "hunger". "I'm bloody starving, but I only ate half an hour ago!" Before we know it, we've succumbed to a "need to eat" and we've munched through a pizza and a coke, without even thinking....
forget it?
Physical exertion is also an horrific act for many people. Previous bad experiences or pain - or both - force people to the logical conclusion that it is not worth doing it. Why bother when it hurts? (The reality of physical fitness - or lack of it - can drastically affect both quality and length of a life. I've met people in their 20s who can't climb a flight of stairs without feeling some form of angina. If that's an attractive prospect, that's your call!). Many are simply terrified to do anything that makes them breath fast. At PWR we recognise that fear, we understand it, and we deal with it.
Physical training starts, literally, with putting one foot in front of the other. PWR trainers take our clients from their basic starting level, and gradually introduce progression when your body tells you it is ready. It is not military style training - all humiliation and criticism. Instead, it is supportive, controlled and motivating coaching. When you feel ready to step it up, that's when we step it up.
One step at a time, with a PWR trainer, you can transform fear into satisfaction, pride and enthusiasm. You can adjust disruptive habits of diet and lifestyle into sensible, simple, and super healthy habits. You can deal with each barrier that used to stand in your way, and build a strong and confident attitude that can work for you in the long term.
If you think you want to make a change, but you might need a bit of support to do it, I'm confident we can help you.
Now booking for January 14. We're ready to help you achieve. SIGN UP HERE

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Specialists in converting the inactive to the active

Here at PWR Personal Training, we emphasise the fact that most of our valued clients start out as inactive, non-gym going, time starved, busy and often unfit people. It is perhaps necessary to dispel the illusion that people who are super fit hire personal trainers. Quite the contrary, in fact.
This changes once we've worked with people for a number of weeks, as they become empowered to take charge and to control their health and shape, thanks to our education and training processes.
Coaching and Educating
Our brief is to first identify the needs and barriers that each person brings. These can include multiple prior attempts to get into shape and shed excess body fat which either fizzled out like a damp firework, or which worked for a fortnight and then dissolved after a blow out at an 'unavoidable' heavy weekend with friends.
In addition to highly motivating one-to-one coached workouts, which are intended to bring out the potential performance a person might not realise on their own, we educate our clients on lifestyle and exercise theory, so that they can take charge of their health and progress in their own time and into the future.
Good Habits
After a designated period of coaching time - 6,8, 12 or more weeks - our clients have eliminated - quite possibly - dozens of detrimental habits and replaced them with positive interventions across the lifestyle spectrum, from improved time management to deeper, more refreshing sleep, to improved hydration levels.
With the support of a PWR Personal Trainer, each clients' wellness and shape will have the best chance of reaching full potential.
We are taking bookings for January 2014. The evening schedules are almost full but some daytime schedule still has gaps available.
Xmas gift vouchers are now available, if you're short of a Christmas gift idea. (Best check with the intended person first, in case they take offence!)
Go here to contact us for more information or to book a PT pack for yourself, for you and a friend, or your group.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Sign up to a PT Package

Latest: Simpler ways to sign up with PWR PT.
Gift Vouchers now available
Credit card payments now taken
Take the first step to success

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Vernons Retain the Shield

Congratulations to Vernon Carus Cricket Club of Penwortham, Preston, Lancashire
Champions of Premier Division and Division One of the Palace Shield Cricket Competition

Monday, 26 August 2013

September and The New You

September is a time of change and new beginnings. The holidays are over, a new school year. Young people heading off to university and new careers.
September is a great time to embark on a period of fitness training and a great time to start getting into shape. Your hips may be a little bigger after a "refreshing" fortnight by the beach. Your belly might be sticking out a little further than it once did.
Perhaps, even, you are finding things a little difficult, like climbing the stairs, like walking a short distance, or you just can't face the thought of repeating that titanic 10km run you completed 3 years ago. Or, you could be already looking forward to the end of year festivities, a big birthday party, or a wedding. You have a dress or a suite in mind, and its touch and go whether it will fit?

START NOW ~ Fit for early December
For PWR Personal Trainer, Paul Richardson, September is an ideal opportunity, and the perfect starting point, for all his clients. A chance to visualise a 12 week blast of fitness that will produce amazing body results for men and women, heading into the festive season and - say it quietly - the winter!
On average, with a good diet and commitment to regular workouts, its possible to lose 2lb a week of healthy weight, whilst toning the muscles.
A 12 week programme can produce a 24lb weight loss result, with muscle tone a likely side effect!
Ask Paul about the 12 week Transformation Programme ~ Website: e:

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Late summer body change?

Back from your holidays yet? Need to get back into shape fast?
Why not kick start your body and fitness with this starter pack from PWR Personal Training, of Preston, Lancashire?
End of Summer deal from Personal Trainer, Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson offers a thorough and professional one to one service for the hard working, results driven individual. Workouts are fitted to your body, your goals, and your current fitness levels. No military style abuse, just positive coaching on workouts, and all aspects of your overall lifestyle.
If your body and health is important to you, Paul will get you real and long lasting results.
go to our sign up page here or email paul at
I look forward to your call...

Sunday, 18 August 2013

"Sugar = Acid" Diet advice that is good to know

Very important words on balancing the pH levels in your body. I've been trying to convince people of this for years, mostly with blank looks and "What?"

Friday, 16 August 2013

QR code for PWR Personal Training Website

QR CodeView this through your smart phone and link straight to my website.
Paul Richardson
Professional Personal Trainer

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Swimming - good for the abs

If you seek an all year round, weather proof and refreshing exercise option, get down to your local pool and restart your love affair with swimming.
Two blokes having a chat down at the council baths
My client, Tony Roe, 30, from Fulwood, Preston, did just that, in 2012. Tony found it tough going for a few weeks and months. By January 2013, Tony was swimming 20 lengths 3 times a week. Weighing in at 18 stone 6lb, Tony made the decision to do something about it.
I set Tony a challenge to complete - 250 lengths in a fortnight. Tony completed it. I set him another target - 300 lengths in a fortnight. Tony succeeded. Gradually, Tony's weight started to come down. A fortnightly weight in and review of diet produced, over the next few months, a serious set of results.
By May 2013, Tony had shed almost 2 stone of body fat, and was swimming up to 400 lengths in a fortnight.
Keep up the great work, Tony.
Paul Richardson
free consultation with all packages booked with PWR Personal Training

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

What happens when you hire a personal trainer?

Paul Richardson, from PWR Personal Training, based in Preston, Lancashire, describes the route map from your first call to reaching your goals.
First enquiry?
The first contact is by email, text or good old fashioned phone call. The first question I ask is "what do you need?"  The conversation is all about you, and what you feel needs to change in your lifestyle, health or bodyshape. Plus its your chance to ask any questions.
What happens next?
If you decide to take the next step, I would meet you for an informal, no-obligation chat, to discuss your needs and concerns in more detail, and to check your commitment, and our compatibility. If it still feels right for you, and if I think you have the commitment and determination to put in the time and effort required, we then set up an initial training programme.
What's the consultation?
This is where we set up the programme. I assess your current fitness level, your exercise history, and generally discuss what sort of exercises you feel capable of doing. We'll agree on a training plan that you feel comfortable doing, and I go through, in detail, my Optimum Eating Plan that is working for so many clients. The product of years of research, this is highly effective for weight loss!
Where do the workouts take place?
This is "traditional", personal training in your home or chosen location. It is designed for your maximum convenience, requiring no travel time or expense on your part. Just be ready, with your trainers on when I get  there! I take the workouts to my clients' homes, or locations that they prefer. Local parks, occasionally gyms if desired, but generally, all you need is a small space at home.
Can I train with a friend?
Yes, I work with couples, pairs, and small groups, which reduces fees per person and can be more motivating.
How do I get in touch?
Call, text, or email Paul Richardson to arrange your first contact, and tell me what's bugging you about your body or you health.      Call or text 07855 121232

Monday, 22 July 2013

Hire a trainer in August & change your body confidence

Despite the energy sapping heat - yes, heat - in sunny Lancashire, I have been extremely impressed with the achievements of my clients in recent months.
Everybody started with  doubt in their minds, and wondered if they could achieve their targets. Most had tried one or more other methods, and struggled to make inroads.
Client Duncan's shared a pic of his new abs!
We spend time talking, discussing, and getting to the root of each person's make up. We discuss, plan and lay out a structure of lifestyle, diet and exercise to suit each individual, pair or group. We try it out, and if it works we continue. If it doesn't, we adapt and try new ideas. Through gradual improvement and small progressive step ups in confidence and ability, we start to produce results that give each person an immense sense of satisfaction and achievement.
CONVENIENCE FOR YOU - saving you hassle and valuable time
All trainers come to your home and train you where most convenient. Waste no time and gain big results.
Small groups or pairs training shares the cost and boosts results, or classic One to One training for unmatched personal coaching, on your doorstep. All you need to do is put your trainers on!

  • Duncan has managed to shrink his bodyfat past a previously unattainable level. 
  • Caroline is curving her body in preparation for her wedding day in August. 
  • Dave has increased his stamina from staggering 2 miles to jogging 7 miles, in the space of a couple of months.
  • Andrew has shed 8lb in 24 days
  • Warren is increasing his upper body strength in between a hectic work schedule
  • Laura is toning up ready for her summer holidays and her sister Sarah has lost her target of 11lb post-childbirth fat.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Wow! 2 half marathons completed...

Well done to my PT clients, Duncan and Caroline, on completing the Freckleton 13 mile event on 16th June, to add to their Chester 13 miler on 12th May. A personal best for Caroline and just a few seconds outside his for Duncan. Both have become members of Blackburn Road Runners club, as part of their healthy lifestyles, and are looking forward to the next challenging event (rumour has it as a race to the top of Tanzania's volcano, Mt. Kilimanjaro).
My goal as personal trainer is all about empowering people to take initiative with their own healthy lifestyles.
Paul Richardson, PWR PT 
Training Packages for one, two or small groups of people. 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Summer progress for Preston clients enjoying their activities

Here in central Lancashire, my PT clients are really cranking up the tempo as the English summer warms up (slightly!). Each person has their own unique targets and their own barriers to overcome. In the case of one gentleman, we're closely studying the way his prescribed medications are affecting his progress. We've already persuaded the doc' to reduce the dosage of medication, to reduce "side" effects, and we are starting to make inroads, having already lost 14lb weight.
One couple is closing in on their wedding date. With dresses and suits on order, and with the big day fast approaching, the countdown has begun. Aside from a penchant for good food and the occasional blow out, their regime is heading in the right direction through one-to-two coached circuits at home, and through their joining their local running club, culminating in them completing 2 half-marathons in the last 5 weeks.
A third client has recovered from a double whammy of lung illness and lower leg injury to restart his jogging programme. He has progressed to running a 10km run, 3 times a week, without any recurrence of injury. He is starting to see weight loss results, thanks to an intelligent eating plan designed to refill without overloading. He also feels like he's back to his best level of fitness.
Enjoying Exercise
The key to preserving long term commitment to exercise is enjoyment. While we all fancy losing a little bit of tummy fat (or, personally, the spare bit under my chin, among other areas), one's motivation is boosted when the workouts are enjoyed. As part of your experience on my personal training course, we will find a style of training that maximises efficacy and enjoyment for you, by maximising the enjoyment factor of workouts, and thus maintain high levels of motivation.
Paul Richardson, Personal Trainer, on Twitter

Massive savings with PT Courses for small groups and pairs

Cut the price of your fitness results. Personal Training for you and your small group is cost effective and productive for your health and fitness.
Paul from PWR Personal Training visits you and your partner, friend, or group of like minded fitness seekers, to coach you to your health and body shape targets.

When do you want to start changing your body? 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

6 weeks to summer body shape

Our highly successful 6 week body fitness package, from PWR Personal Training. £295.
You will need

  • Will power
  • Determination
  • Commitment

and the results will be all yours.
PWR PT. Professional Personal Trainer in Preston, Lancashire since 2001.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Hot in England? Really? Get a big drink .....of Water!

Hard as it is to believe, summer has arrived in England. Hat and scarf have been replaced with mismatching T-shirts and shorts, as the natives struggle to come to terms with the big yellow ball in the sky.
Dangers of Heat and being prepared
Most of the year, when exercising, the cold weather provides an instant cooling system. The aim is not to cool down too fast and suffer hypothermia - when the body gets dangerously too cold.
Within only a few days the goal has changed to one of avoiding overheating - hyperthermia - which can be dangerous very quickly.
Water is the key. In hot weather, your body sweats. This releases a great deal more water and salts (minerals) out of the body. If this is not replaced, the body will over heat, and with it comes poor performance, and health risk.
Water is the key, by and large. Drinking water regularly through the day before a workout, keep drinking water during, and refill your body, after a workout. This ensures optimal muscle function - including transport of oxygen and removal of lactic acid and waste minerals from the muscles - AND it allows the body to continue cooling itself with sweat. Keeping cool relies on water, and plenty of it.
Keep a drink handy. Just thought I'd mention it.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Latest Flyer

go to website >>>
Paul Richardson, Professional Personal Trainer
Preston, Lancashire, North-west England

The PWR Fitness Archives - client reaches the summit of Kili'

Robin TillbrookRobin Tillbrook completed a life-changing trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro, in February 2007, in aid of Macmillan and was one of only 8 out of 32 climbers to reach the summit and he had this to say to Paul Richardson of PWR Personal Training:

"Thank you for all your help during the months before I climbed Kilimanjaro. I have no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that without the gym time I spent with you, I would not have made it to the summit. It would have been 7 out of 32!

Over the months you have, not only, prepared me physically, something I would never have done on my own, but you built up my mental strength, and that is what I needed most on the final summit night. So all those days when I have wanted to give up and tell you to **** off and you pushed me, that is what I feel got me there. I could never have imagined how tough it was, I had everyone telling me that I was training too hard and maybe I should take it easy for a while but I am glad we carried on.

THANK YOU Paul for everything, I really do mean it when I say that without you I would not have made it"
Robin Tillbrook, Bamber Bridge, Preston
Age 44

For more client success visit the official PWR Personal Training Website

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

10% off PT Fees with this Flyer

Our latest flyer, going out in April 2013, in central Lancashire. 10% off fees with this flyer.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Crash dieting causes Fat Storage

I recently issued a 10 day health plan to a client who has reached a plateau with his weight loss progress. He has seen improvements in his training intensity, strength and endurance, but fat loss has hit a block after an initial 14lb loss. It includes extra exercise, and regular portions of varied, wholesome ingredients.
The human body is a very clever piece of kit which has evolved to adapt and change according to the environment it encounters. From deciding to put on warm clothing in cold weather, to the body sweating under hot conditions, the body is constantly adapting towards optimum function.

This is the same when it comes to low calorie diets. In simple terms, under low calorie diet conditions, we will expect to lose bodyweight. However, when you do the math and realise that 1 pound of bodyfat contains 3000 calories, then realise that the (sedentary) human body burns about 1500 calories per day, and then that the body prefers to derive approximately 80% of daily calories from carbohydrates and glycogen, you can calculate approximately, that the body burns (20% of 1500 =) 300 calories per day, from fat. Under these conditions the body would take 10 days to burn 1lb of fat, purely because the muscles and brain prefer glycogen, and fat is chemically less accessible to burn as fuel.
The first thing to go when you start a low calorie diet, is muscle glycogen. These 'water-heavy' molecules are stored in the liver and muscles, and are used during normal metabolic process and physical exertion. The huge weight loss after a week eating rye-crispbread and cucumber is muscle glycogen. This happens to weigh heavy, so when we look at the scales on day 7, and see we've lost 7lb - Whoopie do - we can go on holiday and feast!
As I was saying, the body is clever. It has been evolving to survive for much longer than pancakes have been around.
After only 3 or 4 days of "fasting" or eating very little, the body balance system has already started a process of metabolic deceleration. As far as the body is concerned the environment has changed, and there is no food around. If it continues to burn calories at a terrific rate, the body will soon starve and problems will occur.
So the body adjusts by doing two things. The metabolism and general energy level is reduced - while this is happening we intuitively rest more and do less activity - and the fat storage system is alerted to retain more of what we eat, STRAIGHT ONTO OUR FAT STORES.
In the case of the pre-holiday, pre-wedding crash diet, the 8lb weight loss (mainly heavy glycogen) brings with it a low metabolism and a hyperdrive fat storage system. We then go on holiday, eat and drink for a week or more, and the body holds onto every molecule.
The resulting flimsy, thin muscles, low energy and an increasing layer of body fat, often where we least desire it, occurs every time we attempt a crash diet.
Fat loss takes time. 3000 calories per 1lb of fat. If you have 10lb of fat to lose, that's 30,000 calories. Burning only 300 cals fat a day under normal conditions, that's 100 days.
In short, low calorie dieting does not go the whole nine yards. It is an unhealthy way to live, and will sooner or later result in fat GAIN.
Tune in for the next instalment soon, or, if you're in and around Preston, Lancashire, book a consultation with Personal Trainer Paul and start your own journey to tone, optimum health, fitness and reduced FAT.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Working out your Goals

When you hire your very own personal trainer from PWR Personal Training you are invited to state your 3 main targets/goals/aims/objectives.

Why are you hiring a personal trainer?

The list of reasons/goals is varied, although always along the lines of lack of confidence, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge, lack of time, and lack of enjoyment of exercise. Let's face it, if it hurts, which it does, what's fun about it?
During your thorough one-to-one consultation - included free of charge with any of our 10 or 20 workout package, your PWR personal trainer will spend as long as necessary listening to your fears, worries, concerns and barriers, of which there are usually many.

"I hate the gym."; "I hate my fat thighs."; "I need to lose 4 stone but I love wine and pizza."; "I don't have any time to keep fit."; "My husband/wife/partner is a feeder."

Once you and your trainer have digested your concerns, we will close in on 2 or 3 main goals. This might not include entering the next Great North Run at this stage, but perhaps something smaller and more in reach.
Your trainer and you will agree on a set of targets, and a specific time frame for each. A fortnight of gentle workouts to build confidence. The next fortnight we might try to step things up a little. At each stage we review and reset new goals according to how you feel you have progressed. Little targets. One step at a time. And always achieving. Always progressing.
Repeat this process for 8 or more weeks and before you know it, you're looking down at the scales that show you're a stone lighter. And, hey, you can jog for half an hour, no problem, and hey, you're wearing that little black dress again.
Your PWR trainer will be there every step of the way. Encouraging, reassuring, checking how you're doing.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Hire a Personal Trainer, starts with a free chat!

20lb Weight loss started with a no-obligation phone call....
When Jenny, of Leyland, Lancashire first arranged to meet a trainer from PWR Personal Training, she was terrified. She knew she had to do something about her level of fitness, and she knew she had some body fat to lose. Jenny did not like the gym, and had limited spare time outside of work and studying for a degree. Afraid of her own low fitness levels, and then by the terrifying threat of super intense workouts, Jenny was well out of her comfort zone and didn't believe anything could work.
Paul RichardsonAfter emailing the Preston based personal training experts, Jenny received a call from head trainer, Paul Richardson. He asked Jenny to describe her situation, and what she felt she needed. Self-conscious and low on confidence, Jenny answered the questions asked. Jenny described her needs, her current situation, and her dreams for how she would love to look and feel.
After Jenny had aired her concerns, Paul then suggested an initial, informal, no obligation meeting. Jenny agreed. During the meeting stage, still under no obligation, Paul described, in detail, how he would help Jenny to get control of her lifestyle. They agreed on an exercise programme that suited Jenny's ability and fitness level. Paul then invited Jenny to commence an 8 week plan, starting with a consultation, and further coached workouts, in Jenny's home and surrounding parks. Jenny started on series of workouts with Paul, involving home-based circuit style workouts, walking/jogging, and a sensible eating plan that suited her tastes.
Jenny Bradshaw10 weeks later, Jenny had lost 20lb in bodyweight. Jenny was stronger, a lot trimmer, and had more energy. Jenny's diet was under control, and logical to follow without much extra effort. Jenny had learned the toxic foods to avoid, and the nourishing foods to increase and include. Jenny's confidence had soared, as had her choice of clothes! 
From nervous beginnings, the no pressure and bespoke tailoring of the PWR Personal Trainers makes them a virtual guarantee of fitness and health results for its clients. It just takes one email to unlock the future you.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Easter target reached

Well done to Louise who has reached her Easter weight loss target of 14lb. 
This has been achieved through determination and hard work on the part of our fantastic client. She has combined her efforts with raising her baby daughter and returning to full time work. Some effort! Some dedication!
We're aiming for another 14lb in the next 6-8 weeks.
Well done Louise.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter done. Get into shape for summer

Ste Ridding breaking my hand
Support, help and guidance to your ideal body shape and health.
Here at PWR Personal Training we're ready to help and motivate you.
Book a free mini chat at our website

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

DIET Fix Part 2 - Lunch

For a healthy, warming, tasty, satisfying, nutritious, bowel friendly, hydrating, energising, money saving and hugely varied in flavour....
  1. Acquire a large flask
  2. Prepare a large pan of soup once or twice a week, using left over vegetables, pulses, meat, herbs etc.
  3. Take a flask full of your delicious home-made soup wherever you go.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Preston mum succeeds with month #1 weight target

Another success for young mum Sarah from Grimsargh. She wanted to get back into shape after the birth of her first child and to make sure she's in shape for a fast approaching holiday.
After one month of training with PWR Personal Training, Sarah has already lost the target weight of 6lb and is starting to see definition in her hips and stomach.
This has been achieved through a focus on healthy eating, and 2 to 3 circuit and cardio style workouts each week. Well done Sarah!

Useful links...
Main website                  
Latest Prices and Bookings

Book NOW

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Personal Training April 2013 1 Month Package

Book before the end of March, from PWR Personal Training...the
April Body Shrink.
A complete personal training package including 10 coached workouts in a month to shrink for the summer.... Starting from £250, and available to pairs and small groups.
Only 10 packs available. Closing date 31st March 2013. Email Paul to discuss your target here.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Diet Fix PART 1 - breakfast

To kick start optimum health, try the following routine...
Breakfast starts with the final thing you do before going to sleep. That means the very last thing you do before your eyes close at the end of your day.

Before you go to sleep - drink a pint of water - tap, filtered, spring or mineral.
Wake up - drink a pint of water (see above) immediately

Eat Breakfast - Make sure you eat breakfast!
Eat ingredients by the following list of priority...
  • Water
  • Protein
  • Vegetables
  • Fresh Fruit & Berries
  • Pulses & Seeds
  • Carbs
AVOID the following breakfast ingredients:
  • Bread and similar products, cereal, porridge (cooked oatmeal), fruit juice, butter, sugar.
  • Caffeine - eg. coffee, tea, "green" "white" and "black" tea, cola.
  • PROTEIN eg. Eggs, sliced white meats, tuna or other fish, small portion cheese, plain white yoghurt.
  • FRUIT. 2 or 3 portions of fresh fruit. Apples, berries, pineapple, oranges etc.
  • Unsalted NUTS, be careful with quantity eg. almonds.
  • Vary your breakfasts each day rather than eating the same one every day. Keep the body guessing, and promote maximum health and minimise excess calories.
  • Your body will probably resist if these are drastic changes. But once you have repeated it for 5 to 10 days, the process will become as much a (GOOD) habit as were any less healthy habits you once had.
Coming soon, Snacks....

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Busy businessman loses 14lb fat in a month

Businessman Pete ends February 2013 some 14lb lighter after embarking on a health plan devised by PWR Personal Training. But how did he do it?
Sign up at our website
1. Decision
Pete had a number of reasons to take personal responsibility for his own current and future health. He had been too busy to take the decision. Too busy with work. Too busy with family life and hobbies taking up so much time. Late in December 2012, he decided that enough was enough. Having diabetes - and a diet that exacerbated the condition - Pete had his life in his own hands - for the time being, at least.
Pete signed up with Paul from PWR and committed to a 20 week programme to reduce weight and reduce dietary sugars.
2. Historical Review and Future planning
Pete and Paul discussed and created a realistic model of daily tasks to change Pete's lifestyle for the better. Breakfast, hydration, reduce carbs, start exercising. Once we'd discussed and chewed over how the plan fitted into the working and leisure activities of his life, we agreed on the things that Pete can do, rather than worrying about what he couldn't.
3. Action
Pete joined a gym near his work, to which he takes a daily commute. Pete trains at the gym, taking slow and steady progressive steps on the range of 'cardio' machines. Pete and Paul train for one hour every week, including a measure up, weigh in, and repeat review of progress.
4. Long term
Pete has introduced the programme gradually and succinctly, taking all advice to the letter. He is learning about his new regime, and what works best for his body. Weight loss has been steady and consistent and with it has come stronger muscles, and increased 'cardio' fitness.
The result is a fitter body, reduced body fat levels, and boosted metabolism. The regime is not exhausting, and is fitting into Pete's lifestyle with some comfort. This gives it a good chance of long term success.

The key is determination. But seeing results along the way is very satisfying, and doubly so because the results are down to Pete's effort and commitment to himself.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Preston's Free Exercise Track

The Preston Guild Festival of 2012 left a prominent legacy to the people of Preston.

Preston's Guild Wheel Cycle Track 2013
Quote from Lancashire County Council website
The Guild Wheel is a 21 mile circular route that can be ridden or walked in any direction for as far as you want. You can join the route at any point on the way.
The route is mainly off-road and traffic free, providing a scenic and safe cycling and walking route for all the family to use. Use the map to help plan your route around the entire Guild Wheel or to create shorter cycling and walking routes to suit your location and ability.
Walkers, cyclists, dogs
I took a run along a portion of the Guild Wheel yesterday. A new section, for me, taking in the route from Asda, Fulwood, to Redscar business park, and back. At each turn round every corner, there are points of interest and new perspectives. Furthermore, the route smartly reduces the number of road crossings to a minimum of small lanes.
The route builders installed new bridges over streams, and they have widened the path throughout to comfortably accommodate cyclists travelling in both directions.
This summer will see huge numbers get out on their bikes, with their friends, kids, and dogs, and explore the city's outskirts from the unique vistas provided by the magnificent Preston Guild Wheel.
Preston can be proud of their Guild legacy. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Personal Training Client Questionnaire

Help us to understand exactly what you need from a trainer, please complete and submit our PT STARTER QUESTIONNAIRE

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Feel good for free - go for a Run

If you don't feel like doing exercise, that's the very reason why you should! This from wikipedia:
Runner's high
A publicized effect of endorphin production is the so-called "runner's high", which is said to occur when strenuous exercise takes a person over a threshold that activates endorphin production. Endorphins are released during long, continuous workouts, when the level of intensity is between moderate and high, and breathing is difficult. This also corresponds with the time that muscles use up their stored glycogen. During a release of endorphins, the person may be exposed to bodily harm from strenuous bodily functions after going past his or her body's physical limit. This means that runners can keep running despite pain, continuously surpassing what they otherwise would consider to be their limit. Runner's high has also been known to create feelings of euphoria and happiness.

Read on click here

Farah - High

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Gym based "Personal Trainers" are just gym instructors

Public humiliation - or gym based PT?
I just heard a PT horror story from one of my new clients. She related a story about a personal trainer she had signed up with after joining her local private health and fitness club. Amongst her issues were a complete lack of consultation, body screening, injury check and goals discussion. The fellow in question, a very strong, muscular, pristine physical specimen, spent no time talking about diet before saying "see you at the first session".
The lady had gained little or nothing from those initial exchanges, nor had the "trainer" gleaned any idea as to what the lady sought and needed from him.
Days later, she found herself grinding away on a bike while the trainer slouched over the adjacent machine, and tapped happily away at his tablet, 'texting' other people.
On several other occasions she reported her "trainer" being late by 25 minutes. This after the lady had gone to great lengths and inconvenience to secure her young child for a valuable 90 minutes of her time.
It is a symptom of the industry that this sort of thing happens. It is not the only industry to suffer, but when people join a club, they assume that the club has vetted their staff such that they are both sufficiently qualified, and sufficiently experienced to help.
If the humiliating "show around" by a nonchalant-gum-chewing salesman isn't soul destroying enough - "this is the swimming pool, its a rectangular cuboid containing water, and this is the lateral flyer machine, which is ideal for hitting the delts and the glutes" - at least this embarrassing component is included in the monthly fees. But any further help, beyond that, such as "how do I burn off my tummy fat?" and you are immediately invited to complete another invoice, on top of your gym fees "annual commitment", this time for a trainer. Gyms no longer seem to offer advice on fitness, instead, you need to hire "an expert."
But when you pay big money you trust and expect that you are receiving a high quality service. That includes a thorough consultation, a thorough inspection of your diet, and clear instructions for daily nutritional plans. You want to know that the trainer understands what you want to achieve, and be told what the plan is for the short and long term. You want to be reassured that the trainer will give you every ounce of his soul, time and attention to dedicate to your health and fitness goals. If he's texting his girlfriend, how is that helping you?

My new client starts today, at her home, on a diet plan, a workout plan designed around her schedule, her level of fitness, and with her goals in minds. She has a clear plan laid out for the next 4 weeks, and today we'll get straight into it, promptly, at the time stated.
Before you pay someone you never met, do the background research. Personal trainers are mostly dedicated and passionate about their subject, and will get you great results. They should have a catalogue of successes behind them, with commendations from people to show you!